Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A season of great joy!

This holiday season has brought great amounts of gratitude to my heart.
This post is dedicated to my family who bring such great joy & happiness to me!


My loving wife! Where would we be without you and all you do in our home. e.g laundry, dishes, cleaning up after everyone, keeping a clean home, shopping frugally (every husband loves that!) & loving everyone know matter how frustrating we can get.

With out you, I would not have my 4 beautiful children!

Thanks for putting up with all my crazy ideas even when they don't work out.

I love your creative talents that have make our house a home.

I am grateful for the sacrifices you have put forth this past year and the sacrifices you are willing to put forth on our new adventure.

What more could I ask fort his holiday season, I'm married my best friend!

I love you Honey!

You are my oldest and I am very proud of you! It is not always the easiest thing to be the oldest. I am grateful for your patience in dealing with me when I seem to put to much responsibility on you as the oldest.

I am grateful for your earnest studying you have put forth before you baptism.

I am grateful for you strong desire to be baptised for the right reasons.

I love the way you treat everyone at your school (student & teachers). It always reminds me that I too need to be polite and friendly to everyone.

You are a great blessing to this family and I thank my Heavenly Father for you!
I love you Avery!


Where do I began my little Actress. I am grateful for ability to help me remember to be young.

I love your awesome sense of humor & deeply grateful for it. You are my bucket of laughs! I don't think anyone makes me laugh as you do. Your desire to dance is another thing I love about you, such grace (maybe that is why your middle name is grace?)!

I love you Brielle Grace!!


My first boy!! I am so grateful that the Lord has blessed me with such a great little missionary!

Your eagerness (at 2 yrs) to help others blow me away! Though your energy sometimes drives me crazy I know that as you grow older it will be one of your strengths and it teaches me patience.
Love you Chasen!


My barrel of fun! I have always been a smile kinda guy. I love smiles. Know one I know has more of a contagious smile than you! Even on the hardest of days I can count on you and your smile to change my countenance and uplift me.

I couldn't imagine a better close to our eternal family!

Thanks Dax I love you!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Let it Snow!!

Well we finally got our first real snow fall lastnight & continued through today. Of course for Christmas we bought our children gloves, hats, coats & boots. But the snow was to tempting & cold to wait. So we got them out early. As you can tell the kids thought is was so worth it!!!

Brielle I think enjoyed it the most. Chasen started out a little nervous and then it kicked into, "this is fun"!

As a few of you know our driveway is as steep as a mountain side. So of course we had to use it to our advantage.

Being from California this isn't my favorite thing about Colorado, but my kids seem to ease the burden.